The New Normal: Workplace Safety (Digital Leaders Guide)


The New Normal: Workplace Safety (Streaming Video)

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The New Normal: Workplace Safety (Digital Leaders Guide)


The New Normal: Workplace Safety (Streaming Video)

$0.00 ($0.00/EA)
$0.00 ($0.00/License)
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What changes in workplace safety should employees expect as they return to work during the COVID-19 pandemic? The New Normal: Workplace Safety helps address key guidelines around personal hygiene, social distancing, PPE, cleaning and disinfection, and the emergency communication plan. This program will educate employees and help them to:

  • Know when, how long, and how often they should wash their hands
  • Follow social distancing guidelines
  • Inspect, wear and dispose PPE properly: face masks, respirators, gloves, and eye protection gear
  • Understand the differences between cleaning and disinfection
  • Realize the importance of an Emergency Communication Plan

What changes in workplace safety should employees expect as they return to work during the COVID-19 pandemic? The New Normal: Workplace Safety helps address key guidelines around personal hygiene, social distancing, PPE, cleaning and disinfection, and the emergency communication plan. This program will educate employees and help them to:

  • Know when, how long, and how often they should wash their hands
  • Follow social distancing guidelines
  • Inspect, wear and dispose PPE properly: face masks, respirators, gloves, and eye protection gear
  • Understand the differences between cleaning and disinfection
  • Realize the importance of an Emergency Communication Plan

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Streaming Video, Digital Leaders Guide
English - US
13 minutes
Digital Leaders Guide Sample

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